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Fluor Federal Petroleum Operations
Contract Number DE-FE0011020

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Basic Contract
MOD# Attachments MOD# Attachments MOD# Attachments
001 Sections B, F, G, H, I, and J Attachment F 002 Section J, Attachments B, C, D, E, and H 003 Revised Section G and Revised Section H pps H-iv, H-38 and H-39
004 Incremental funding 005 Incremental funding and incorporate FY14 PEMP by reference 006 Recast uncosted obligation balance from previous M&O contract and obligate to this contract
007 Deobligate funds 008 Incremental funding 009 Revised Section J, Attachment F (Directives)
010 Incremental funding 011 Revised Pgs. H-30 & H-38; Revised Section I - Contract Clauses; Revised Section J, Attachments A and F 012 Incremental funding
013 Incremental funding (NERRPPR & PAT) 014 Revised Section I - Contract Clauses, Revised Section J, Attachments B and F 015 Incremental funding
016 Section B (Revised) and Section J Attachment B (Revised) 017 Incremental funding 018 Incremental funding
019 Revised Section G, Revised Section J, Attachments D - SB Plan, F - DOE/SPRPMO Directives and J - PEMP 020 Incremental funding 021 Attachment replaces Contract Sections B, G,
H, I, and J Attachments A
(Advanced Understanding) and F
(Directives List)
022 Incremental funding 023 Revised Section G 024 Incremental funding
025 The attachment Replaces Section I - Contract Clauses, Section J Attachment E - Wage Determinations, and Section J Attachment F - Directives List 026 Incremental funding 027 Incremental funding
028 Incremental funding 029 Incremental funding 030 Revised Sections B, I, J Atts. F & J
031 Incremental Funding, incorporate the FY 2016 authorized overtime premium, and incorporate the FY 2016 Work Authorization Directives 032 Section H 33 Incremental funding
034 Attachment replaces Section B, Section I, Section J Attachments D, F, and J 035 Incremental funding 036 Revised Sections B and H
037 Incremental funding 038 Attachment which replaces Section H, and Section J Attachment F 039 Incremental funding
040 Attachment which replaces Section J, Attachment E 041 Incremental funding 042 Incremental funding (incl. NEHHOR & cell phones)
043 Attachment revises Sections H, I and Section J, Attachments B and F 044 Incremental funding through 9/30/16 045 Incremental funding for FY17 pre-financing & misc. tasks
046 Attachment revises Sections B, G, J Attachments B, D, F, and G 047 Incremental funding to cover estimated reservation requirements 048 Attachment (Revised Sections J Atts. D (SB Plan) and J (PEMP))
049 Attachment (Revised Sections B (Schedule), I (Clauses), J Att. F (Directives) 050 Attachment revises Section J, Attachment E 051 Incremental funding to cover estimated reservations for operations through June 2017 and LE 2 funding
052 Attachment replaces Section B, Section J, Attachment J 053 Deobligate LE2 funding (DOE) and provide incremental funding to cover estimated reservation requirements 054 Attachment (Revised Section J, Atts. F and G)
055 Revised Section B 056 Revised Section B 057 Revised Sections G, H, & J - Attachment B
058 Attachment (Revised Sections H, and J Atts. D and J) 059 Incremental funding 060 Incremental funding
061 Incremental funding 062 Incremental funding 063 Incremental funding
064 Update Section G; Section H Provisional Fee; Update Section J Attachment E - SCLS Wage Determinations; Update Section J Attachment F – Directives; Update Section J Attachment G – Key Personnel Change. 065 Incremental funding, update LE2 WAD Rev1 066 Incremental funding
067 Incremental funding 068 Incremental funding 069 Incremental funding
070 Incorporate FY18 WAD Revisions 071 Exercise Option, Update Section B with new budget and fee calculation for FY19-FY24. 072 Incremental Funding, Update Section B with corrected budget and fee calculations for FY19-FY24
073 Corrected contract value 074 Incremental funding 075 Incremental funding
076 Revised Section B. Contract value changed due to actual costs incurred in FY17. 077 Incremental funding 078 Revised Section J Attachment B - Incorporated FY19 WADs.
079 Incremental funding 080 Incremental funding 081 Incremental Funding. Update Section B. Contract value changed due to actual costs incurred in FY18 and WAD Revisions . Revised Section J Attachment B - Incorporated FY19 WAD Revisions.
082 Corrected language in Mod 0081 083 Incremental funding 084 Incremental funding
085 Revised Section J Attachment E – Incorporated SCA Wage Determinations. 086 Incremental funding 087 Incremental funding
088 Section B – Updated with FY2020 budget, fee and correct funding amount. Revised Section J Attachment B – Incorporated FY2020 WADs. Revised Section J Attachment F- updated Directives. 089 Incremental funding 090 Incremental funding
091 Deobligation 092 Incremental funding 093 Incremental Funding. Section J – Attachment B incorporate FY20 LE2 WAD Revision 1.
094 Incremental funding 095 Incremental funding 096 Update Section B. Contract value changed due to actual costs incurred in FY19 and WAD Revisions. Update Section G with POCs and LE2 POCs. Revised Section J Attachment B - Incorporated FY20 WAD Revisions. Revised Section J Attachment E – Wage Determinations.
097 Incremental funding 098 Incremental funding 099 Incremental funding
100 Update Section H, Implement CARES Act 101 Incremental Funding 102 Incremental Funding
103 Updated Section J Attachment B. Incorporated Revisions of WADs. 104 Incremental Funding 105 Incremental Funding. Update Section B. Update Section G.
106 Incremental Funding 107 Update Section B – B.4 and table B.6 with the final AOP for FY21. Update Section J Attachment B – FY21 WADs, Attachment D – Small Business Subcontracting Plan and Attachment J – FY21 PEMP 108 Incremental Funding. Update Section B with FY20 Actuals
109 Incremental Funding 110 Update Section J, Attachment E – Wage Determinations 111 Incremental Funding
112 Incremental Funding. Update Section H, Section I, Section J Attachment B, Section J Attachment F 113 Update Section J Attachment J 114 Inclusion of Vaccine Mandate. Update Section J Attachment F
115 Update Section J Attachment B 116 Incremental Funding. Update Section J Attachment A 117 Update Section I. Update Section J Attachment D
118 Incremental Funding 119 Incremental Funding 120 Update Section J, Attachment B - Work Authorization Directives - Hurricane Supplemental
121 Incremental Funding 122 Deobligation 123 Incremental Funding
124 Update Section J Attachment B WAD Revisions and Section J Attachment E Wage Determinations 125 Incremental Funding 126 Incremental Funding
127 Incremental Funding 128 Update Section I to include OIG Audit Strategy 129 Update Section B to Include Final AOPs and FY21 Actual Cost
130 Incremental Funding 131 Incremental Funding 132 Update Section B and Include PAT WAD Rev 2 and Security WAD Revision 2
133 Incremental Funding 134 Incremental Funding 135 Incremental Funding
136 Section J, Attachment J to Incorporate FY23 PEMP Measures to the DE-FE0011020 M&O Contact 137 Incremental Funding 138 Update Section G – Update DOE CO & LE2 POC, and Section H – FFPO Board of Directors
139 Update Section B to Include FY22 Actual Costs + Earned Fee, FY23 Final AOP (including WADS Rev 0 + Rev 1), FY23 & FY24 revised LE2 Cost Plan, and FY24 Budget Request & FY24 Hurricane Supplemental Cost Plan; Incremental Funding; Incorporate the FY23 overtime premium; Incorporate the WADs Revisions 0 and 1 140 Incremental Funding 141 Update Section J Attachment D – Small Business Subcontracting Plan, and Attachment E – Wage Determinations, and update to Attachment G – Key Personnel, and correct errors in Mod 0140
142 ADR Settlement – Fee Reduction Claim 143 Incremental Funding 144 Admin Mod to correct Mod 0126. De-obligate ($45mil) and re-obligate $45mil to the correct appropriation code.
145 Incremental Funding 146 Update the following change: Reference Section J, Attachment D – Small Business Subcontracting Plan: The FY24 Subcontracting Plan for the period October 1, 2023, through March 31, 2024. 147 Incremental Funding
148 Incremental Funding 149 Update the following change: Reference Section J, Attachment J – Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan (PEMP): The Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan for the period October 1, 2023, through March 31, 2024, is hereby incorporated. 150 Incremental funding. Update the following change: The overtime premium authorized for Fiscal Year 2024 (October 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024) Section J, Attachment B – Work Authorization Directive: FY23 WAD REV2 & FY24 0 & REV1
151 Contract Extension 6 Months (April 1-Sept 30) 152 Update Section B to include Fee Reduction Settlement reflected in Modification No. 0142, FY23 Actual Costs and Earned Award Fee, FY24 Final AOP (including the approval of Revisions 1 & 2 dated 3/14/2024 for all WADs), FY24 Contract Extension (6 months); Incremental Funding; Incorporate the FY23 overtime premium; Incorporate the FY24 WADs Revisions 1 & 2 dated 3/14/2024 153 Update to Section J, Attachment G – Key Personnel
154 Incremental Funding 155 Incremental Funding 156 FY 2020 and FY 2021 Subjective Fee Measures Settlement
157 To incorporate Section J, Attachment J – Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan (PEMP): The Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan for the period April 1, 2024, through September 30, 2024. 158 Incremental Funding 159 Incremental Funding
160 To deobligate $91,282.90 funds no longer required for security support and provide $2,000.00 incremental funding to the M&O contract for Composite Adversary Team (CAT) requirements. 161 Modification 0161 deobligates $91,282.90 in unused funds while adding $2,000 for CAT training activities, reducing the total contract value by $89,282.90 to $3,185,372,551.81 162 This contract modification increases obligated funds by $36 million and the todal contract value by $67.99 million, includes a $875,000 FY25 overtime premium, and updates works directives, wage determinations, and the subcontracting plan. It also revises contractor contact information and incorporates detailed updates to contract sections B, I, and J.
163 The purpose of this modification is to obligate funds to incorporate FY25 PEMP Measures for the period October 1, 2024, through March 31, 2025. --- ---